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Sunday 29 January 2012

Good-finding not problem solving for the coming week

It's tempting with the problem/weakness paradigm being so pervasive, for us to frequently fall into the ease of concentrating on these twin imposters of learning and progress. Resist! I ask you to start this coming week by finding something in your life, in your organisation, in your team, that is working well. Find something that portrays your service as capable, caring, progressive and coping with the challenges and risks of our current economic situation, however small it is. In fact, try and find the smallest positive action that has the greatest impact. Identify the action, outcome, impact, kind word and so on that has a disproportionately positive impact on your client, customer or colleague and then celebrate it, share it, promote it.

Here's a couple of links to get you thinking about how to start a movement, from the smallest beginnings to a large crowd in just a few minutes, and also how an appreciative inquiry into cooperation made such an impact on a large French business. Enjoy!

This link is to a video of how to start a movement. It's fun with some serious learning:


Here's the link to Bernard Tollec's great little video about Phillips in France using AI:


And to top it off, this link will provide access to a helpful blog that offers some highly practical thinking around shifting your view from problem-solving to appreciation.


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