
Welcome to this blog, linking The Open Channel and Optimum Interventions Ltd to provide you with views, opinions, interesting connections and information to engage and stimulate. Comments always encouraged. Look forward to hearing from you and do visit our websites at www.theopenchannel.co.uk and www.optimuminterventions.co.uk

Thursday 2 June 2011

Now is the time to be properly supported

Times are tough for the public services. We know this. Over 45,000 jobs have gone from the public sector in the past few months. The narrative around the public sector emanating from government concentrated in part on the alleged bloated scale and terms and conditions, the easy-to-say "budget cuts won't equate to front-line service cuts" and on back-office transformation, i.e. cuts or outsourcing or both - all possible with minimal impact on service quality, or indeed the economy more broadly. For some public bodies the worst is yet to come as the back-loaded cuts of 2013-15 will come into sharper relief.

Yet, it would appear a succession of economic statistics have given the lie to this narrative. The recession stumbles on, mortgage approvals hit an 18 year low, new housing starts are in a similar slump; unemployment is not falling and the attempts to make large inroads into various benefits and their claimants are having some really unfortunate consequences for individuals. The 'feel' is also that the private sector is neither ready nor willing and able to take up the 'slack' of public and charitable sector job losses.

So, where does The Open Channel come in to this difficult complex and worrying scenario? Well, we believe strongly, and more so every day as we speak with colleagues delivering services, that now is the moment when hard-pressed middle and senior managers, in all sectors, could really do with some cost-effective, flexible and knowledgeable support. Support that comes over the 'phone', on-line via Skype, through email and by using other web technologies.

This support needn't and will not cost a great deal to our subscribers, and that's a deliberate positioning to ensure no-one need miss out on what we offer. In fact, we offer much that is easily accessible at no cost, and as we develop our networks further this content will increase alongside the depth of our password protected resources for subscribers only. We fully intend that a learning community develops around our subscribers, ensuring that when they want to, there is a platform to share ideas, experiences, knowledge and intelligence.

We define ourselves by who we are, e.g. leaders, managers and practitioners, able to share and pass on what we have learnt and achieved - whilst still remaining avid learners ourselves. That's The Open Channel. When times are at their hardest you want your providers to intrinsically understand your challenges and yet also to have sufficient detachment and objectivity to be of real value to you.

So, our new venture comes to the end of its second week. The Open Channel offers us the opportunity to help our subscribers make the most of their talents, to deliver the best of what they can. Take a visit to our new website -http://www.theopenchannel.co.uk/ If you think this is not for you just now, do you know a colleague who might need this kind of support - please alert them if you do. Thanks and we look forward to welcoming you.

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